Being someone’s sunshine

Today, I was having a bad day and was feeling low. Feeling low and worthless is the most difficult emotion to handle but, there is that one person, looking at whom makes me happy and brings a wide smile to my face. Today, looking at that person, a thought provoked me into thinking about life in a different way. That smile on his face made me feel good; happy and somehow I felt good by looking at a stranger rather than a family member or a friend. I was motivated and inspired to be like that one person, who no matter what he is going through is spreading smiles. The thought of becoming a person like him, someone who makes others feel peaceful and good about themselves made me happy.

Sometimes we feel safer and at peace with a stranger who is not here to judge us, as they don’t and won’t have any expectations from you. It’s so important to be and to have someone who is neither expecting nor judging anything. We all can be that person in someone’s life by merely spreading love and being accepting. These two simple traits will change you and many others’ life entirely.

Being kind is the only trait we need in our lives, others are just our wants.

~Known (Aishwarya)

Be like these warm rays of love💛

Do share your views and feedback. Would love to read them. Have a nice day ahead!

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