Just when you think it’s over; it is probably over.

We all have the notion that we should keep on chasing something to get it. Though it’s true to some extent, it shouldn’t abound you to be there. Being stuck is one of the most uncomfortable and unsettling emotions to feel. Work over that relationship, that job, that degree, that diet, or anything until you feel motivated to do so. Once it starts draining you and doesn’t give you that kick as before, don’t feel sorry for letting it go.

Letting go of people, bad habits, toxic job environment, negative thoughts are so difficult that we give our resistance the name of “perseverance”. Perseverance comes from passion and drive, and not from guilt or resistance. Clinging on to something will make you only hate it more and won’t make it any easier. The only way to let yourself free is to let go, without any guilt.

So, the next time you feel like it’s over and you are there just because of your resistance; LET GO AND MOVE ON.

What if I go and never come back again?

How would you feel if I go and never come back again?

Would you miss me? Would you remember me and smile, or would you cry? What will you tell me in your last message? Will, you ever call my name by mistake and then realize that I am not there? Will you feel my presence in my clothes, my gifts, the voice notes that I sent you, and our photo frames? Will you smile with tears in your eyes when you hear my favorite song? Will you ever talk about me to the people around you? While talking, will your voice break as your heart did?

Will you cry at night reminiscing about times we spent together? Will you search for Mr in the sky full of stars at the night? Will you talk to me in your loneliness and of so, would you be angry with me? Will you remain the same as you were? Will you ever give me the answers to the questions I have asked? Lastly, will you allow yourself to be happy once again and be in love with life?

I am asking these questions, while am with you because I never want you to feel guilty for my absence. The day I go ad never come back, remember that I am watching you and I don’t like your crying face. Remember me for my love, for the memories with me, for the way I have made you feel; and not for the position I had in your life. Feel the void where I used be there, but never think it’s always meant to be so. Now, that void is ready to accept a new relationship, new love, even the new you.

I don’t want to be remembered for the position I held in your life, as humans aren’t meant to be forever. I hope that I will stay in your memories and my number in the favourites list forever and not in the position.

“Humans aren’t meant to be forever.”

Known (Aishwarya)

Do share your thoughts. Would love to hear from you and work with you.

Being someone’s sunshine

Today, I was having a bad day and was feeling low. Feeling low and worthless is the most difficult emotion to handle but, there is that one person, looking at whom makes me happy and brings a wide smile to my face. Today, looking at that person, a thought provoked me into thinking about life in a different way. That smile on his face made me feel good; happy and somehow I felt good by looking at a stranger rather than a family member or a friend. I was motivated and inspired to be like that one person, who no matter what he is going through is spreading smiles. The thought of becoming a person like him, someone who makes others feel peaceful and good about themselves made me happy.

Sometimes we feel safer and at peace with a stranger who is not here to judge us, as they don’t and won’t have any expectations from you. It’s so important to be and to have someone who is neither expecting nor judging anything. We all can be that person in someone’s life by merely spreading love and being accepting. These two simple traits will change you and many others’ life entirely.

Being kind is the only trait we need in our lives, others are just our wants.

~Known (Aishwarya)

Be like these warm rays of love💛

Do share your views and feedback. Would love to read them. Have a nice day ahead!

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